How Much do You Know About Your Foetus' Development: Take This Quiz to Find Out!

June 21, 2021 3 min read

How Much do You Know About Your Foetus' Development: Take This Quiz to Find Out!

Your baby kick starts its journey as an embryo, then a fetus, and finally, after nine months, you have your bundle of joy giggling in your arms. Nothing else in this world can beat this feat - two tiny cells growing up into a newborn who's your replica. Wow! 

It's true that being a mother and the feeling of a life growing inside you is nothing but ecstatic. So, how much do you know about your developing baby? How about playing a quiz to know that? Let's do this!

1 - Can you tell at which stage of fetal development you first hear the heartbeat of your growing baby with a stethoscope?

  1. Around 6-weeks of pregnancy
  2. Around 20-weeks of pregnancy
  3. Around the 6th month of pregnancy
  4. After delivering the baby

Correct Answer: Option 2:You can hear the fetal heartbeat using a stethoscope by around 20-weeks of conception. It is about 8-weeks to 10-weeks after the heartbeat is audible by Doppler.

2 - Which vital body part or organ is the last one to develop fully?

  1. Kidney
  2. Liver
  3. Heart
  4. Lungs

Correct Answer: Option 4:After the period of 24-weeks, the lungs of your baby start to develop by inhaling amniotic fluid. However, this phase will be a couple of months before your baby's lungs are fully grown to provide it the oxygen it needs. So, your baby's lungs fully develop by the 34th week of pregnancy. There are cases where 34-weeks or 35-weeks old babies need supplemental oxygen to breathe for a few days.

3 - When your baby is born, he/she has naturally got over 70 reflexes. 

  1. It is true
  2. It is false
  3. Can't say

Correct Answer: Option 1: Yes, that's right. As soon as your child is born, it can cry, suck, throw the head, cling, and there is a long list ahead. 

4 - Can your baby store memories when it's inside your womb? If yes, when does it start?

  1. No, babies cannot have memories till they're born.
  2. 20th week of pregnancy
  3. 30th week of pregnancy
  4. Babies can have memories after they are 1-year old

Correct Answer: Option 3:Babies can actually pay attention to things happening around them after the 30th week of pregnancy. They pay special attention to the sounds, including music and voices. Therefore, once they are born, they are likely to react to people's voices and music that they have already heard when they're inside your tummy.

5 - What does your baby's heart look like size-wise when it first starts to beat (6th week of pregnancy)?

  1. It resembles the size of a chickpea.
  2. It is the size of a ping-pong ball.
  3. It looks like the size of a mustard or poppy seed
  4. It is more or less the size of an almond.

Correct Answer: Option 3: The heart of your baby looks like a poppy seed when it is six weeks old because only one chamber is there at that time. 

Your Score!

  • Outstanding! Your score is 5 out of 5. A pro, indeed.
  • Good! You have got 3 out of 5. Not bad at all. Just a little bit of effort, and you’ll be there!
  • Umm! Your score is 1 out of 5. You need to spend some more time learning about your baby!

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