So You've Decided You Want a Baby. What Next?

June 21, 2021 3 min read

So You've Decided You Want a Baby. What Next?

So, you’ve decided that you wish to have ababy? Congratulations on choosing to add a tiny human into your and your loved one's life. What comes next?


If you are already planning to have ababy, the things you do in the future will likely become a little more challenging for you to deal with! And though most parents will advise you not to be too concerned, you and your husband should be aware of a few things before being pregnant.

So, ask yourself the following six questions before embarking on this journey.


  • When is THE time to conceive?

    Okay, you're expecting ababy, and there are many approaches on how to get pregnant. Let's consider the options you have. If you don't worry about it now, it will pop up again later. Your man is more inclined to ask you to try whenever possible, while your woman is more likely to plan things and think about what's going on with her body. Since this is a divisive problem, choices must be made between these opposing viewpoints.


  • Are your finances stable?

    We understand ababy's worth every effort! But this isn't to say you can't ask your partner if they'd like to stay home. The bottom line is that one person staying home to care for the child can be expensive. However, there is a practical approach to childcare. If you have an infant, you can opt for daycare centers. But remember, they have long wait times. Check out how early your request to have your baby admitted at your preferred daycare will be accepted, as policies can differ. It is important to discuss the financial goals both before and after the baby is born.


  • What are the maternity leave regulations at your workplace? 
  • Before you know how many days of holidays you'll get this year and how long your leave would last, it's a good idea to look at your financial choices. Since maternity benefit plans differ, it's essential to be well-informed. Also, inquire about paternity leave plans to understand the situation. 


  • Is everything fine with your relationship?

    It's a brilliant idea to seek therapy if you are facing a strained relationship. Planning and having ababy has the potential to bring you closer again. However, there are a few other problems to debate. Before an infant is born, a lot of work must be completed. Raising a child inevitably means more work and chores. Think about these factors before starting a family.


  • Are both of you prepared?

    Sure, your guy will tell you that he'll never change a diaper, but you can determine how sincere he is and whether you're okay with it before yourbaby arrives. It's also an excellent opportunity to discuss late-night feeds, washing linens, mid-night shopping runs, and other household tasks that seem to pile up when you have a kid.


  • Do you have the time to spare?

    While parenting is the most selfless job you'll ever perform, you'll need to spiritually prepare to put your independent self on hold (at least for a while). If you can't imagine giving up hours with your friends, days at the spa, time with your beau, or your alone time, you should reconsider having a kid. You may also have planned a few life goals, vacation destinations, or thrilling trips for the months ahead before becoming pregnant. Consider all this before getting pregnant. 


    Parenthood is a beautiful experience! Planning it, however, may bring up some issues. Discuss any doubts you have about having a baby with your doctor. They can help you understand and advise you on how to deal with it. Stay positive and have fun while preparing yourself to welcome your adorable cuddle buddy!

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